I absolutely love how Eloisa James writes. I wish there was a way for talent to bleed off the pages and into me because she's a freaking goddess when it comes to words. Borne to be Wilde (the third book in the Wildes of Lindow Castle series) is absolutely amazing. It's making me want to reread the other books in the series immediately.
Our heroine Lavinia is a strong woman who, through a turn of events, finds herself needing to spread her wings and embrace her talents to help her get by in the world. I adored watching her find her independence and then refusing to give it up for the right man. Parth was, well... Parth. He was so manly and yet oh-so-adorable at the same time. Everything out of his mouth was the totally wrong thing and it had me cracking up the entire read.
Lavinia and Parth have such a genuine connection to one another and their charm, wit, and insults fly back and forth in such a perfect way. I was laughing one minute and then groaning at the way their pride consistently hampered their ability to open themselves up to one another. I think I felt such a comradery with the two because I, also, show much of my affection through insulting other people. We're a misunderstood bunch.
Falling in love wasn't easy for Lavinia and Parth like it is for couples in some romance novels. There were so many missteps in their relationship that for a short time I began to wonder whether it was actually going to happen for them. They were so dumb about each other for so long but that sigh of relief I let out when things finally went well felt so damn good that it was well worth the pain of the chase.
Eloisa James isn't afraid to write characters with faults and flaws. Sometimes they're things that can be changed, but sometimes they're things that simply need to be accepted. She's not afraid to write about modern day problems and give them that 1800s twist. This is a very wonderful series with a bright future! I recommend you pick it up July 31, 2018.
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